Diversity Matters!


The Importance of Diversity

In terms of bone marrow transplants, ethnicity is important because tissue type is inherited, like hair and eye color, so people from the same racial and ethnic background offer the best chance for a match.

Yet many ethnicities have low representation in the global stem cell & bone marrow donor registries, leaving those patients with little possibility of a lifesaving transplant. Increasing diversity in the registry is an urgent need.

We Need More Diverse Donors on the Registry to Save More Lives

At Project Life Movement, we believe that working closely with colleges and universities is a smart model for increasing the number of donors of all races and ethnicities on the stem cell & bone marrow registry.

We believe this model best represents our goals, purpose, and mission, allowing our efforts to be both culturally-aware and culturally-responsive towards the needs of all people – not just one specific race or ethnicity.


Because there is a desperate need for more minority donors, we have also partnered with many historically black colleges and universities (HCBUS) to add more diversity to the registry.

In other words, we are looking for people just like you to help save the lives of people who simply want to live.

With your help, we have been able to add donors to the registry that are of various races and ethnicities, however we still need more.

What Else Can Be Done?

That’s where you come into play. Learn more about how you can join the global registry or get involved with Project Life Movement to help save lives.
