Our Impact

Saving Lives Hits Home

When Coach Mike London's daughter was diagnosed with a rare blood disease and needed a bone marrow transplant, the life-saving match came from an unlikely place.

Take Coach London's advice -- don't stand on the sidelines. Step out and do what it takes. Whether the odds are 10,000-to-one or a million-to-one, it doesn't matter. What matters is life.

Your support helps Project Life Movement give the gift of life.


Our sole mission is to recruit young, healthy, diverse people to join the global stem cell & bone marrow registry on college campuses.

We want to ensure that all patients, regardless of race, receive the lifesaving “miracle match” that they deserve.

Diversity Matters!


Ensuring Equal Outcomes for All

By working with colleges and universities, we grow the registry with young, healthy, and diverse people.

Our partnership with historically black colleges and universities allows us to focus our recruitment on building a more diverse registry.



Registrants Added in FY18


Ethnically Diverse

Registrants Added in FY18


Every day, 20,000 patients are searching for a matching donor, but less than half will find their match. Your financial support helps Project Life Movement grow the global stem cell & bone marrow donor registry to save more lives.

Revenue - FY 2018

Contributions - $211,650
Contributed Services & Materials - $347,616

Expenses - FY 2018

Our commitment to Financial Stewardship means every dollar of your support makes a difference.


Program Services






Management & General


Growing the Global Registry

Partnership and collaboration are key to our success.

Project Life Movement has affiliations with athletic conferences across the country to build the national registry for a diverse registry base.


During FY 2018, Project Life Movement worked to increase the awareness of this need and grew the registry by:

  • Adding 2,000 new donors
  • Recruiting nearly 1,000 donors of diverse ancestry
  • Organizing 65 student-led drives
  • Educating 6,000 students about the need to increase the registry
  • Partnering with 25 historically black colleges and universities to recruit diverse donors

Ready to Join the Project Life Movement?

There are many ways you can get involved and join us in the effort to save more lives by increasing the global donor registry!